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Applications open on 1st September 21 for Y12 2022.

Your Child

Students Name

First Name required

Surname required

Students Date of Birth

Please choose an option
Please choose an option
Please choose an option

Students Address

Home Address required

Postcode required

Contact Details

Email required

Telephone required

Mobile required

Do you currently attend one of the feeder schools?

Please choose an option

Did you currently attend one of the trust primary schools?

Please choose an option

Your circumstances

Please tick this box only if you are looked after by the Local Authority

A Looked After Child is a person under the age of 18 who is provided with accommodation by the local authority acting in its social services capacity, for a continuous period of more than 24 hours, by agreement with the parents or in accordance with Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989.

Please tick this box if you have been previously looked after by the Local Authority

A Previously Looked After Child is a person under the age of 18 who, immediately after being looked after, became subject to an adoption order, a residence order (under section 8 of the Children Act 1989), or a special guardianship order (under section 14A of the Children Act 1989). Children looked after under an agreed series of short-term placements (respite care) are excluded.

Academic information

Please provide details of qualifications (e.g. GCSEs, Btecs) achieved and/or being studied currently, together with actual and/or predicted grades.

Please enter all qualifications here


I declare that all information I have given is correct.
Declaration must be ticked

I understand that false or fraudulent information may result in my child losing his/her school place. I have checked that all those with parental responsibility are in agreement with the information presented on this form

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